This article will go through:

  • what is Payroll Clocking 

  • what is Job Clocking

  • the purpose of using Payroll Clocking and Job Clocking

  • how does Payroll Clocking and Job Clocking fit in with Productivity Reporting

What is Payroll Clocking?


  • Payroll Clocking is the ability to have your staff clock ON / OFF Blackpurl so that a log is kept of when they are at work and available to work

  • By Payroll Clocking ON - staff indicates to Blackpurl that they are ready and available for work

  • By Payroll Clocking OFF - staff indicates to Blackpurl that they are no longer available for work

  • With Payroll Clocking ON / OFF - the system will tell you how long they were available in a specific time frame

What is Job Clocking?

  • Job Clocking is the ability for your Technicians to actually clock onto specific Customer Order > Service Jobs throughout the day

  • By having your Technicians Job Clocking ON - it starts the timer to record how much time they are spending on that specific job

  • By having your Technicians Job Clocking OFF - it stops the timer so you can see how much time they actually job clocked onto that specific job for and that time is then recorded against the specific Customer Order > Service Job 

  • With Job Clocking ON / OFF - Blackpurl will tell you how many service jobs they were job clocked onto and for how long  

The purpose of Payroll Clocking and Job Clocking

  • By Payroll Clocking ON / OFF, your Technicians are telling Blackpurl that they are ready and available for work

  • By having your Technicians Job Clocking ON / OFF, you can tell how long they are spending on specific jobs

  • By having these two components we can then provide productivity reports and see if your Technicians are productive, efficient, and / or proficient

How does Payroll Clocking and Job Clocking fit in with Productivity Reporting


  • By establishing when a Technician is available for work (Payroll Clocking) -  you can establish how many hours they are available for

  • If your Technician Payroll Clocked ON today at 8am and Payroll Clocked OFF at 3pm, Blackpurl knows that they have been available to work for 7 hours

  • If your Technician only Job Clocks onto several Service Jobs for a total of 4 hours during today, by comparing it to how many hours they were actually available to work (Payroll Clocking), Blackpurl can calculate how productive your Technician is

  • Is your Technician that productive if they are available for work (Payroll Clocking) for 7 hours but they are only Job Clocking into Customer Order > Service Jobs for 4 hours? What are they doing for the other 3 hours that they were available to work?


  • Blackpurl can calculate how efficient that particular Technician actually is

  • For example if your Technician Job Clocks onto a Customer Order > Service Job for 3 hours but then Dealership can only bill / invoice the relevant Customer for 2 hours - they are not very efficient 

  • Or are there other factors in play ie spending too much time helping others while job clocked onto a job or did they forget to job clock onto a job etc


  • By comparing the number of billed / invoiced hours to Customers with the number of available hours (Payroll Clocking), Blackpurl can calculate how proficient your Technician is

  • For example if you are paying your technician for 8 hours work but their billable hours (how much you can charge out to Customers) is only 2 hours, they have basically not been very proficient 

  • Or are there other factors in play ie does your Technician need further training, is the Dealership not quoting enough hours to do the job, should the Service Writer called the Customer as additional work was required

For further information on Productivity Reporting and what reports you can run, please review our article - Reporting - How to Run Technician Productivity Reports (including Job Clocking / Payroll Clocking) 

More Information  

For further information, you may want to review the following articles by clicking on the relevant links below: