This article will take you through adding Deal Financing to a Customer Order > Unit Deal and also how to pay with financing


Setting up your Finance Providers

Your Finance Providers will need to be set up so that they are available for selection

This needs to be only done once and then the Finance Providers will be available across all Customer Orders

This is the link to the relevant article that will show you how to set up your Finance Providers

 - How to Setup Vendor Products and Services

Finance Payment includes the Dealership's Commission

Dealerships also have the option to include the Commissions earned from the finance company as part of 

the expected payment from the finance company to be processed in Blackpurl 

System Settings > Settings & Controls - Shop Settings allows you to enable this feature

What does this mean?

  • It  means that when the finance company funds (pays) the full amount of the finance and commission to the Dealership, the full amount (finance + commission) will need to be receipted in Blackpurl against the relevant Customer Order

The Dealership will need to remember to record the amount of the Dealership Commission on the relevant field on the Deal Finance section

What if some of the Financiers don't pay for the Dealership Commission at the same time with the finance amount?

  • If only some of the finance companies include their commissions in their payments while others pay it out separately, the Dealership can disabled the setting for the relevant Vendors by a new option in the Products & Services settings in a Vendor Record

Navigate to the relevant Vendor Record > Edit and review Commissions not included in finance payments

What does this mean?

  • This would mean that the Dealership can still record the Dealership Commission amount in the relevant field on the Deal Finance and when the Customer Order is closed out, the Commission will still integrate to their Accounting  (as per Control Account - Finance Commission Income BUT the offset will go to the other Finance Commission Clearing)
  • Once the Dealership receives the separate Dealership Commission payment from the Financier they will allocate it to the Finance Commission Clearing GL in their accounting package - the commission does not get receipted against the relevant Customer Order

Accounting Integration

  • For our Dealerships that have Accounting Integration, there are two Control Accounts that have been added to the System Settings > Accounting Integration - Control Accounts 

Finance Commission Income

To be able to record the income from Financing Commissions earned when the Customer Order is closed out and the Dealership has indicated Finance Commission in the relevant field on the Deal Finance over in the accounting package 

For further information, please review our article -  Step 4N - Understanding Accounting Integration - Control Accounts - Finance Commission Income

Finance Commission Clearing 

This is a clearing account for financing commissions which is used when the commissions are not

included in the payment from the finance company for the Unit Deal 

For further information, please review our article - Step 4O - Understanding Accounting Integration - Control Accounts - Finance Commission Clearing

How to Add Financing to a Unit Deal

We would recommend that you set up the Customer Order > Unit Deal - add the unit/options/pricing etc 

Then from the Deal actions section > click  

User-added image

A new Deal Financing section will automatically generate and the user would need to select the relevant Finance Provider in the Deal Financing > Summary section 

The user will then need to to review the fields that were automatically populated (with the information from the Unit Deal) and then complete any other relevant fields (as required)

In the F&I products section > add any F&I Products etc and then check all your figures 

For further information, please review our article - Finance Products on a Unit Deal (Finance Insurance or Extended Warranties etc) on how to setup new F&I Products

In the Funding detail section, it will tell the user what funding is looking to be received ie Customer summary / Funding summary

There are additional actions to be found in the Financing actions section ie Submit financing / Add a Co-Buyer / Accept a downpayment 

These Financing Actions will change and will be dependent on the status of the Deal Financing section ie Submitted status will generate the Record Funding Payment action and/or what is missing from the Deal Financing section ie Add Finance Company and/or other actions such as Add Co-Buyer / Accept down payment 

Once you have submitted the Customer's application to the Finance Company, click

This will change the Status of the Deal Financing to Submitted -  

In theory the finance figure that is shown on the Unit Deal / Deal Financing section should equal the amount asked for in the Finance Application that you submit on your Customer's behalf to the relevant Finance Company 

Once the status is Submitted, there will be a new Financing action available -

Click on once you have received the Approval from the Finance Company

Once the Deal Financing status is Approved then it will generate the action - 

The Document section will allow you to attach any relevant documentation

How to Receive the Down Payment Due from the Customer 

The Down Payment will need to recorded in the correct field within the Deal Financing  > Summary section

When the Customer pays the Down Payment, from Financing Action section, click

The Add Deposit window will pop up for you to complete the Payment Method and then

The payment of the Down Deposit will now show in the Deposit Section 

Funding has been received from the Finance Company 

Once the finance funding has been received, in the Financing Actio > click ,

Please note that all Funding received from the Finance Company will need to be received into Blackpurl using the in the Deal Financing section 

If the user tries to use the Deposit section and the Payment Method: Finance Company will be greyed out

Once the user has clicked the Deposit window will pop up and all the information will be generated (if you want to backdate the date, you can)  > click  


Only when the Deal Financing section has the Status: Funded and the Unit Deal section has the Status: Approved will you be able to Checkout

If you try and checkout without the above statuses mentioned, the user will receive a notification message in checkout

Once you are ready to Checkout > click on and click 

to take the finance funding  from the Deposit section

If the Customer paid a down payment, you will need to click on the Unused Deposits again to take the down payment from the Deposit Section 

Then just Finalise Invoice as normal



Accounting Integration Tips

  • When these finance funds are received into the Dealership's bank account, in your accounting package you will need to allocate these funds to the General Ledger that is attached to the Payment Method - Financing 

For example, in our test environment, the General Ledger that is attached to Undeposited Finance

is Undeposited funds General Ledger 

Further information

Buy rate vs Sell rate

Users now have the ability to enter their buy rate commission alongside their sell rate

Dealerships can have a “Buy Rate Commission” with each financer provider that represents the minimum rate the

finance company will accept

The Dealership can mark up that rate by an agreed upon amount which is known as the “Sell Rate,” 

and it is the rate that Blackpurl will use for calculating the customer's amount financed

In the deal financing summary, two interest rates will now be exposed with the "Buy Rate Commission" being optional

This "Buy Rate Commission" is calculated as the difference in total loan interest between the two rates

The Dealership can optionally override the calculated "Buy Rate Commission" and Blackpurl will only

recalculate this commission amount whenever the "Buy Rate Commission" is changed or the estimated

loan payment amount changes

This commission will be included in the profitability of the deal

Deal commissions on reports

Our unit deal-related reports can now report two types of commissions for each deal when the user 

has the Deal commissions permission enabled

Sales commission - which is the commission paid to salespeople

Finance commissions - which are commissions earned by the Dealership for financing the deal

Dealership will be able to report these Commissions as optional columns on the following reports:

  • Active Unit Deals report

  • Invoice Summary report

  • Invoice Detail report

Example of the optional columns on the Active Unit Deals report:

Both of these commissions will also be properly accounted for in the deal profitability on the Customer 

Order itself

Editable costs on F&I products on deals

When working with line items in the F&I products section of a deal that have a cost associated with them, 

the user can now edit the cost on these line items

For this functionality to be available the user must have the Unit Costs permission enabled

Any changes to these costs will be properly accounted for in the deal profitability on the Customer Order


F&I products from other companies

User can select F&I products from other finance company vendors

When a product from a different vendor is listed in the F&I products of deal financing it will clearly 

indicate which ones are from other finance company vendors

The only exception to this is for products with a cost method of Price withheld or Cost withheld

Since they are specific to that vendor we will not allow them to be added to a deal being financed by

another finance company

Finance products - New cost methods

There are two new cost methods on Finance products in order to provide a more accurate amount payable

by the finance company

Quite often the amount the finance company will pay to the Dealership is different from what is calculated 

as the Amount Financed on the deal

The price of some products is not reimbursed by the finance company while for others they may hold 

back the cost of the product

To facilitate this Financing products now have two new cost methods - Price withheld and Cost withheld

Now when we calculate the expected payment from the finance company, we will deduct from the amount

financed either the price or the cost of the product

A loan registration fee is an example of a Price withheld product.  A financing product which the same

finance company provides for the Dealership to resell could have the cost of that product withheld from the

finance company's payment to the Dealership

The withheld type of financing products can only be added to deals that are financed by that same finance company

This is an example of different finance products with different Cost Methods 

Finance company payments on customer order

Now that we can accurately calculate what the actual payment from the finance company will be by taking

into account not only the amount financed but also any F&I product prices or cost they may not pay back to

the Dealership or any financing commissions being included in the expected payment amount, we will no

longer allow the user to enter the amount received from them because it is now a known value

The payment method will still be available in order to record the payment being received but the amount of

that payment will be auto-populated and restricted to the known amount payable to the Dealership from the finance company

Financed deal accounting entries

The COGS journal entry for the deal invoice will take care of properly accounting for any prices or costs which were withheld by the finance company

It will also take care of properly accounting for the financing commission income recorded on the deal financing

Here is an example of a financed deal that has both withheld F&I products AND Financing commissions ARE included in the payment from the finance company

And here is how this is reflected in all of the accounting entries for the deal

And here is the same example except but now the Financing commissions ARE NOT included in the payment from the finance company.  So the Deal invoice COGS JE will make use of the new Finance Commission Clearing control account

NOTE - If a GL account has not been assigned to either the Finance Commission Income or Finance Commission Clearing control accounts, the entries for the commission income will not be included in the journal entry

Financed deal documents

In the three different documents that can be generated for a financed deal a few changes have been implemented

These documents are the Bill of Sale, Offer to Purchase, and the Invoice

  • The payment listing on these documents will now only include customer-related payments

Finance company payments will not be included in this listing

  • The Amount Paid total will now only reflect the actual amount paid by the customer

  • The Due from Financing will never reflect the actual amount that is being received so it doesn’t reflect any commissions earned or product prices/costs that are withheld

New “Funded” status

A new status has been introduced for the financing section of financed deals called “Funded”

Now the different status values for the financing section are:  Quotation, Submitted, Approved, and then once the funds have been receiving onto the Customer Order - the last status is Funded

This “Funded” status will be automatically set when the finance company payment is accepted against the deal

Unit Deal status restrictions

The following restrictions are now in place:

  • Financing cannot be set to Approved unless the Unit deal has already been set to Approved

  • For approved deals, restrictions will also be placed on the deal merch/service to ensure that the deal values do not get inadvertently modified.  These restrictions are:

    • line items cannot be added, deleted or moved

    • Line item quantities cannot be changed

  • Deal status cannot be set to Approved when there are unresolved fulfillments

  • Deal status cannot be set away from being Approved if the deal financing status is Approved or Funded