What's new? 

Unit Product Type and Data Fields 

This feature allows the Dealership to setup Unit Product Types ie Trailers / RV etc with specific Unit Data Fields (fields to do with that Unit Product Type ie weight / length etc)

These Unit Product Types would then be assigned to specific Unit Records which means that the Unit Data Fields will be available for filling out  

The Dealership can also elect to have the Unit Data Fields to appear on specific documentation ie Dealership would like to see the Unit Data Field > Weigh on Service Documents etc  

The best idea is for you to go and check it out and see if this new feature is for you by reviewing our updated article on System Settings - Overview - System Settings > Settings & Controls and the section you need to review is called Unit Product Types / Unit Data Fields or review New Feature - Unit Product Types / Unit Data Fields

Please note that if your Dealers has FTP / forms that rely on the current miscellaneous data field but you wish to use the new Unit Data Fields, then conversion will need to be done 

QR Codes on Service Job Documentation

  • If you Dealership wants to have QR Code on Service Job Document instead of the barcode, we now give you that option

  • It will allow the user to click on the QR Code and it open the relevant Customer Order in Blackpurl

For example:

  • There is a System Setting that you will need to enable to do this

  • Should you wish to enable this, please review our article - Customer Service Job Documents

Stamp Duty Calculator (Australia only)

This feature will make it a bit easier for our Australian Dealerships and how Stamp Duty is calculated in Blackpurl 

Dealerships can select that Stamp Duty rates that they are likely to use at their business / what will be the default and have it automatically charge on Unit Deals

We have provided flexibility in being able to change the rate and/or have it charge on the recommended retail price etc

For further information, please review our article - System Settings > Settings and Control - Stamp Duty (Australia only)

Taxes by State Control (USA only)

This is for our USA Dealerships only.  This feature will ensure accurate calculation by specific states where the Dealership collect and remit taxes 

We are giving Dealerships the the option of telling Blackpurl, what States you actually collect and remit taxes to / from etc 

For further information, please review our article - USA - Taxation including Reporting / Setup / Changing Tax on Customer Orders and the section you need to review is called Automatic Tax Rate Controls 

For a quick overview:

  • Navigate to Other Tools > Tax activity and settings - Settings

  • Then scroll down to Automatic tax rates controls section and see States which you collect & remit sales taxes for:

As always, if you need a discussion about your Dealership's Taxes, please reach out to Blackpurl Support  to arrange a meeting 

Grouped Taxes on Documents 

Tax Grouping is now managed as part of Tax Settings and it will now resolve those display issues on deal documents 

For further information, please review the section on Automatic Tax Rate Control in one of these article (based on your location):

USA - Taxation including Reporting / Setup / Changing Tax on Customer Orders

Canada - Taxation including Reporting / Setup / Changing Tax on Customer Orders

New Zealand / Australia - Taxation

For a quick overview:

  • Navigate to Other Tools > Tax activity and settings - General Settings

  • Note there are two toggles regarding Grouping

As always, if you need a discussion about your Dealership's Taxes, please reach out to Blackpurl Support to arrange a meeting 

Turn 14 Automated Price Files 

For our Dealerships that are with the Vendor: Turn 14, you can setup your Blackpurl to download the price files and import them directly into Blackpurl, all automatically 

This is the relevant article that will assist you - Processed Price File - Vendor: Turn 14 (Automated)

What's Improved? 

Changed - changes have been made to include the county in the address key of the Zip Tax API to ensure accurate tax rates
Resolved - implemented a UI fix to address an issue where the unit page was displaying the Miscellaneous grouping of data fields even when no miscellaneous unit data fields were defined
Resolved - an issue where the "Publish in feed" toggle was missing from the Edit Stock Unit modal window when the current locale was not set to Australia

Resolved - a correction was made to the ‘Order More’ functionality on the View Unit page to ensure that the exact number of orders are created with the given quantity
Resolved - an issue where unit notes were not automatically populated based on the selected submodel when creating a temporary unit on a deal-type customer order. Additionally, implemented UI adjustments to ensure fields display complete information for the model and submodel on the unit model window
Resolved an issue where the toggle to set a stock unit as inactive was missing from the Edit Stock Unit modal window
Resolved - an issue to ensure the taxable flag is set to ON by default when ordering a unit or creating a stock unit

Changed - adjusted the dropdown items in the new Add/Edit Unit Order modal window to ensure users can view make, model, and submodel names, even in cases of lengthy names
Changed - from BRP feedback - Retail transaction APIs - Added script to send historical data for retail transactions
Resolved - an issue in the Unit Data Conversion modal window where the dropdown list remained visible after selecting an option
Resolved - an issue where switching to the Activity tab in the Tax Activity & Settings screen from another tab caused the date range format to display incorrectly. Also, the default date was not set to the previous month as expected
Resolved - an issue where the Stamp Duty section was not displayed while creating or editing temporary units
Changed - implemented a validation to prevent creating the financing section for a deal-type customer order if it has already been added, particularly in duplicate tab scenarios
Changed - added additional check for the value retrieved from QB for the deposits GL account. If the deposits GL account in QB has an account type of 'Other Current Liabilities' the value from QB will no longer be multiplied by -1
Resolved - a UI issue where the quantity added to an item on the VO was not staying within the section
Resolved - an issue where the Parts Needed report was displaying parts that were no longer ordered. This occurred when the service job status changed from uncommitted to committed, and the part had available quantity. The service job should have considered the available part and excluded it from the Parts Needed report
Changed - prevented the creation of the checkout clearing category when updating the mapping of Customer Deposits in the control account for orgs where the new payment accounting is turned off
Changed - added a validation prompting the user to refresh the browser window if the deposits/payments amount changes, especially in duplicate tab scenarios
Changed - added a validation to prevent unit changes using replace unit action on a customer order once the deal is approved and invoiced, especially in duplicate tab scenarios
Changed - added an additional fix to prevent the creation of duplicate AR payment entries when processing a payment on account
Resolved - the sync failure issue that occurred during VI/VR for foreign vendors with a zero conversion rate
Resolved - the Part Inventory report to include parts that have differences in oversold cost and total cost, and an inventory quantity of zero. This fix applies when the inventory quantity filter is set to 'not equal to zero' in the Part Inventory Valuation and Part Inventory Accounts reports
Changed - implemented a fix to sync the BRP transactions on specific Dealership's BP that were encountered while syncing historical data

Resolved - a fix to ensure that MISC data field information provided during unit ordering is transferred correctly when the units are stocked and received
Resolved - a fix to ensure that the default stamp duty calculator is not pre-selected in the edit pricing modal window if no stamp duty calculator is added to the unit
Changed - allowed users to create a customer-owned unit without requiring a VIN number
Changed - updated the YAMAHA file integration to use the 'YMA' prefix for Australian customers and 'YMNZ' for New Zealand customers

Resolved - loader closes off  issue before opening of modal issue while ordering a unit

Resolved - the stamp duty calculation issue that was causing a discrepancy between the invoice total and the deal total
Resolved - an issue where the mileage field value was not displayed on the unit page|
Resolved - an issue where pictures attached to an ordered unit were not transferring to the stock unit
Changed - changes to the unit ordering page by adding a new toggle to view deactivated vendors. Additionally, users can no longer deactivate a vendor if it has active unit orders. A newly added unit vendor is now displayed on the unit order page without requiring a screen refresh
Resolved - an issue where the variance JE for vendor returns was being created with a backdated entry in Xero for dealerships in the -7 timezone
Changed - made changes to the unit order screen to automatically populate the Base Prices and Costs in a dummy Baseline when the user selects Make/Model/Submodel. Additionally, renamed the 'Save' button to 'Add Pricing'
Resolved - an issue where a scheduled report, specifically a custom report for stock unit valuation, was not displaying the submodel
Resolved - where part inventory mismatches occurred when submitting a claim with variance for required and oversold parts