What's new? 

Unit Images in FTP Feeds 

We have added the ability to include unit images as HTTP URLs in FTP feeds

If you currently have a Unit FTP Feed and would be looking to use this feature, please check with your FTP provider that they would be able to use the HTTP URLs for the unit images 

Just remember that the Dealership will first need to have the images loaded on the relevant Unit Records -  How to Add Images on Unit Records / How to Delete Images from Unit Records 

If your FTP provider can use this feature, then please contact Blackpurl Support to have your FTP Feed updated to include the unit images HTTP URLs

What's Improved? 

Resolved - an issue with the search result for units in customer order where the VIN was not being shown
Resolved - an issue with bulk delete which caused options on a deal to remain as committed when there was no longer a deal service.  Reinforced bulk delete restriction to prevent bulk delete of Deal Service/Merc
Resolved - duplicate browser tab issue which allowed two transaction types to end up having the same code label which in turn affected the Active Part Sales report
Resolved - an issue which prevented the user from setting the “due in” date to be prior to the scheduled date of the appointment
Resolved - an issue which issued a “duplicate id” error when using bulk delete on a deal CO
Resolved - an issue where users were not able to update retail price for parts where price is controlled by associated vendors
Resolved - accounting journal entries have been fixed for cases where invoices are reopened and the part cost has changed
Resolved - the "Part price is based on" field has been made mandatory when creating a Price Level
Changed - notification message is shown when stock is in trade prior to the finalization of a unit deal
Resolved - an issue where journals were not being transferred to Xero during the cash reconciliation process for a single cash drawer
Resolved - an issue where a journal entry was not being generated when returning a part using the Third Party transaction type on a service job
Resolved - Inactive unit models and submodels are displayed on the model and submodel creation screen
Resolved - BRP - Stopped the error email for the campaign API when the VIN is not found
Resolved - Fixed SOQL error while exporting a file using VO custom export
Resolved - an issue that caused email notifications for Xero sync failures to stop
Resolved - issues with the price level report that caused it to go to the backend of the BP when clicking on price levels
Resolved - addressed a scenario where the CO remained open even after all line items were invoiced, when uninvoiced line items were moved off-screen
Resolved - issues that prevented users from fetching a New Tax Detail report for a large number of records
Resolved - a vendor invoice journal entry issue related to pre-sold cost adjustments
Resolved -  the issue where adding a part in the required state and setting its status to invoiced in another tab was incorrectly marking the service job as closed with the required part
Resolved - an auto reorder part error on VO when package quantity is changed to some other quantity on VO
Resolved - Invoice profitability for sublet when fractional quantities are involved
Resolved - removed false error log which is encountered while syncing PART INVENTORY to BRP
Resolved - an issue where the "Assign Technician" box was blank and not displaying any technicians; after refreshing the page, all details became available
Resolved - an issue where sync failures for QB Count sessions were not being reported
Changed - Increased the character limit for the correction field in the Kit
Resolved - addressed a problem where notes in the part pick list section were blank when reopening VO/VR
Resolved - an error in fetching BRP-Unit details when the engine displacement value was a decimal
Resolved - an issue where the disclaimer in prints was pulled from the business profile instead of the selected branding location
Resolved - an issue preventing users from reopening VR when the receiving cost was changed to zero dollars on receiving
Changed - implemented a fix to stop cancelled orders from importing from Shopify to BP after recent Super Connector changes