What's new? 

New Vendor Order Export Format for Turn 14 (Tucker Rocky)  

We have provided a new Vendor Order Export format suitable for importing into the Parts Order Interface of Turn14 (Tucker Rocky)

For further information, please review our article - Vendor Order > Export File - Turn14 (Tucker Rocky)

Customer Order - Emailing out of Blackpurl 

We have made some changes to the emailing functionality on the email window - an example is below:

  • Reply To - Dealerships will now have the option of providing the Customer with a Reply To email address 

    This means that when the Customer receives the original email and clicks on reply, the Reply To email will be delivered to Reply To email address indicated

    The Reply To email address can only be either the default email address that is attached to your Dealership's Blackpurl or the email address of the currently logged in user 

    Users will not have the option of typing in a random Reply To email address

  • Attachments - if there are images and/or documents saved on the Customer Order, we have given the Dealership the option of sending these as attachments to the Customer with the email

    The documents / images will list and the Dealership will just need to move the toggle for the selected items to also send with the email

Vendor Documentation - Standard Formatting

A little while ago, we updated the Customer Order documentation to have standardised formatting and now we have also done the same for Vendor documentation - Vendor Orders / Vendor Receiving etc

Deal Documents 

We have now included the ability to be able to select a form as part of any deal documents we generate from a Customer Order 

An example of how this would work:

The setup of this, is done through System Settings > Settings & Controls > Disclaimers
This is the link to the relevant article - System Setting > Settings & Controls - What is a Disclaimer / How to setup a Disclaimer


What's Improved? 

Changed - any scheduled jobs that involve QBO or Xero 
Resolved - an issue when refreshed the page the price changed reverted back to the old price
Changed - ambiguous message to the user to make it more meaningful when refunding deposit / closing CO
Resolved - an issue where calculating financing incorrectly or updating new terms when printing
Changed - code to help with the Xero disconnection issue 
Changed - Website product management to stop sync issues while syncing new products with variants
Changed - the document title to be INTERNAL INVOICE instead of INVOICE or TAX INVOICE for internal transactions
Changed - created a new custom setting to decide which Part field in BP to map with SKU number in Shopify
Resolved - Customer will only have the notes added icon showing up on a CO only if there are notes added on the Customer Record 
Changed - stopped users from moving line items from deal service to another CO services
Resolved - AR payment accounting entries GL updates for the new payment accounting feature
Resolved - when printing the VR it will now include the location (with the new update of Vendor documents, the location was missing from the VR)
Resolved - issue when printing out Deal documents (only occurred with Dealerships that had custom deal documents)

Changed - Custom form changes for specific dealership