What's new? 

Customer Order - Bulk Deletion Action

We have been asked by quite a few Dealerships for a bulk deletion action on Customer Orders and with update 2.92.0 it will be released 

  • The bulk deletion action is available on open Customer Orders and it will give the user the option of deleting multiple items from the Customer Order or even entire sections

  • Keep in mind that if a section of the Customer Order has been finalised and invoiced, then the option to delete that section, will not be permitted

  • We have introduced a permission control for this action which will initially only be enabled for users in the Admin User Group

For further information, please review our article - Deleting Items from a Customer Order including Bulk Deletion / Deleting Customer Order 

Inter-Store Unit Look Up

We have expanded our Inter-Store Look Up functionality to now also include Units

  • The Inter-Store Unit Look Up will be only available to those Dealerships where inter-store functionality has already been enabled

  • It will provide a quick search of available inventory units at other stores in the inter-store collective / group

For further information, please review our article - Inter-Store Part Look Up / Inter-Store Unit Look Up

Salesperson on Customer Order 

  • All Salesperson fields are now in the Summary area of each section header on a Customer Order 

Example below shows where the Salesperson field is now sitting on a Service Job 

  • This change will allow Customer Order documentation to accommodate scenarios where different salespeople can be assigned to different sections on a Customer Order OR there are multiple salespeople assigned

For further information, please review our article - Setup Customer Order - Salesperson / Where to add Salesperson on Customer Order

Forms uploaded into Blackpurl

  • We have increased the Increased the Form upload size limit from 750KB to 25MB

For further information, please review our article - Customer Orders - Upload Forms / How to Add Forms - Manually or Linked (Automatically) / Adding Attachments

What's Improved? 

Resolved - an issue related to return credits when negative other charges were added or when the negative other charges were greater than the total of the returned items
Resolved - an issue related to internal service jobs against stock units which was causing accounting reconciliation variances between the unit inventory GL and the actual unit record costs
Resolved - Date Format issue in SOM files name for North American region
Resolved - an issue where fully paid Shopify orders with any refund were not coming across to Blackpurl
Resolved - an issue where the Claim# was missing for third-party CO documents
Resolved - an issue which prevented part numbers from appearing on deal invoices
Resolved - an issue which prevented a third-party service job from being finalized
Resolved - an issue which prevented a deal unit report from exporting when there were a large volume of units to report
Resolved - an issue which prevented the user from entering fractional quantities in the part count tool

Resolved - an issue which was altering the trade-in ACV after the trade had been stocked in
Implemented - a post install script to update the API details for fetching exchange rates from xe.com
Implemented - new type of sync failure that will trigger an automatic retry of the sync
Resolved - an issue with the contains filter on the VO report not matching to VO numbers
Released - custom forms for specific Dealerships.  Dealerships have been notified directly
Resolved - an issue where 'Sold by' name is not shown on CO documents when the salesperson is not assigned to customer order. It should be the owner of customer orders in such cases

Resolved - an issue where Salesperson was not listing correctly on CO documents