What's new?
Multiple internal service jobs against stocked units on a single Customer Order
Dealerships now have the ability to have multiple internal service jobs against stocked units on a single Customer Order
In the Add to this order: section, simply click
You will still be required to finalize each Internal Service Job section separately
For further information, please review our updated article - How to Process an Internal Service (Service or Repair Jobs for units the dealership owns)
Allow negative quantities for Fees on Kits
Dealerships have been asking for the ability to add negative quantities for Fees on Kits
With this update, Dealerships now have that option
For further information, please review our updated article - How to Create / Add a New Kit
Part Inventory Aging Update
For our Part Aging calculations, the Last Modified Date showing would always be yesterday's date
This is because we run a script every night on all parts to determine the Part Aging so we were affectively modifying each part 'yesterday'
We have changed this so that the Last Edit will now show accurately when the Part Record was last modified and Edited By will show by which User
For example:
Active Unit Deals Report
This report will now include a default column 'Unit Description' and it will list the description of the unit being sold
If the Unit Deal contains multiple units, the 'Unit Description' will simply say 'Multiple units'
Preferred Payments
The card not present modal window now uses the new iFrame from Preferred Payments
What's Improved?
- Resolved - an issue where the BRP part update job was not scheduled
- Resolved - an rounding issue that prevented checkout from being finalized
- Resolved - an issue with lazy load in WPM when the screen height is more than 810px
- Resolved - an issue with quickline where the cause concern correction were not shown on the screen
- Resolved - User Interface (UI) issue related to factory options with very large descriptions in factory option selector in deal temp units, unit ordering as well as the unit page price & cost listing
- Resolve - UI issue in the tax management screen when there are a large number of tax codes/rates defined
- Resolved - UI issue when using the Authorize button in BP Admin config - BRP
- Resolved - an issue when selecting locations on a part record when a very large number of locations are defined
- Change - CO invoice preview for quote CO’s will now be titled Quote instead of Invoice/Tax invoice
- Resolved - UI issue when working with other charges on VI’s
- Resolved - UI issue in add/edit vendor product and the cost rate field
- Resolved - UI issue in add/edit labor code and the cost rate field
- Resolved - null pointer exception issues for in progress vendor invoices
- Resolved - an issue to print and email customer order invoices
- Resolved - an issue for price file import due to change in password for LMA org
- Resolved - an issue to search/add location on part with only two characters
- Resolved - an issue to ensure that we only send an amount with no more than 2 decimal places and exclude the lines with 0 amount for Xero
- Resolved - Third party issue in case of denied claim and not able to finalize service job
- Resolved - SO status in active part sales report
- Resolved - an issue to correct committed status for 'Units on Order' report
- Resolved - an issue where item pricing was different inside vs. outside of a kit
- Resolved - an issue where the customer order was not refreshing to show updated status after reopening an invoice on a closed CO
- Released - Mapped forms for specific Dealerships. The relevant Dealerships will be notified directly