This article discussed the scenario that your business is set up on 2 sites and wants to track and transfer stock between sites
Please discuss this option with your Activation Specialist to see if this process would work for your Dealership
There are a couple of things you will need to ensure are set up 1st
- Create new categories for parts, Units, Fee's, adjustments, Internal, etc for second site if need to track separate sales QuickBooks Accounting Integration Video 7 of 9 - How do Categories work in Blackpurl
- Also you may need to create new GL's in your accounting package to assign to new categories so will need to resync your chart of accounts from your accounting integration TAB - Step 2 Chart of accounts QuickBooks Accounting Integration Video 3 of 9 - Chart of Accounts
- Part numbers
Option 1
- Site 1 can use the original parts file
- Site 2 can run a parts Inventory valuation report per vendor and add a suffix to the part numbers with the same vendors and up load as price files
If there are automated price files for a vendor you would have to run it once for the original parts number and then run a Parts valuation report and add the suffix and manually load the price file to the vendor for the parts with suffix)
- On a search the Parts will show up with and without the suffix which is defines which site
You can set locations for both sites by doing it on the part numbers, Mins and max's and can order and receive their own stock
Option 2
- You can use the same parts number and have 2 different vendor names ie PFG Australia - (Site 1 ) & PFG Australia (Site 2)
This will mean you will place orders on the vendor related to your location, have 2 vendor accounts in you accounting package to pay when parts are ordered, and when selecting parts to add to jobs you will need to select the part with the vendor noted appropriate to your location
Down fall is if staff select a part from the wrong location it will affect your inventory, Sales & COG's G/L's, inventory G/L's with no way of tracking it. You would also have to run any Automated price files for each Vendor
- On a search the Parts will show up with twice with the Vendor noted below for the appropriate site. You can set locations for both sites by doing it on the part numbers, Mins and max's and can order and receive their own stock
Transfer parts between sites
- Have an Internal Stock transfer customer account type and stock transfer price level in system settings. Ensure customer is exempt from all taxes and that the Stock transfer price level is price
- Create a new category for stock transfer in the accounting integration section
Categories. > Add = Part Type > STOCK TRANSFER > Income GL same as Part default > COGS GL = Income GL > Inventory GL same as Part Default > Save
- Have a transaction type for stock transfer
- Create 2 customers 1 for each site with Internal Stock transfer Account type and a Price Level of Stock transfer
- Open a new CO. Go to Sell > select the internal customer you are transferring the stock too > select change type
Change from the default to Stock Transfer and click Save
Next Step has several Key Points
- Enter the part number you are transferring from your stock and the quantity
- The next entry select the part number for the site you are transferring to, the QTY required will be the negative value corresponding to the first entry. (refer to red circle on left, in picture below)
- The next point is IMPORTANT . It is possible that due to timing of price file upgrades, or adjustments made to an individual part price , that there is a difference in the cost price of the two parts. SO it is very important to make sure the cost values (as illustrated in the two green circles) correspond. If they don’t then you must change the cost on the part going to Warehouse (negative quantity entry) so both costs balance
The red circle to the far right should always be zero after each corresponding entry. This is the visual check
Should you get to the end of the invoice entries and the balance is not zero, then go back and change the offending line.
After all parts are entered and the invoice balance is still zero, print the Parts Picklist as below
Pick Inventory to be picked and checkoff in the corresponding line. Place picking slip with Inventory to be shipped, this will provide a checklist for receiving at the remote warehouse
Finally, place the freight tracking number in the appropriate field in the Invoice Checkout Screen and close out CO to Account Credit. There will be no effect on any balance sheet values