This article will take you through how to find the history of a part - when it was ordered / when it was sold / who it was sold to / list of current Customer Orders or Vendor Orders etc
How to find Active Vendor Order and Active Sales Orders for a specific Part
- Navigate to the relevant Part Record > Related section - it will list the Active Vendor Orders and Active Sales Orders
These are Vendor Orders and Customer Orders that are not yet finalised but have this part listed
How to find Closed Vendor Orders / Vendor Receiving / Vendor Invoices and Customer Orders for a specific Part
- Navigate to the relevant Part Record > Cost Tracking section and then click on Action > Show History
- It will then list the history details. By clicking on
on the relevant Vendor Invoice or Vendor Receiving - it will list all the relevant Customer Invoices the part was sold on
The user can click onto any of the blue Vendor Invoice / Vendor Receiving / Customer Invoice and it will open the relevant item
Reporting on Part Movement
Please review our article - Reporting - Part Movement