What’s new?
Enhanced Picklist Importing - Customer Orders / Vendor Orders
We have introduced two new picklist formats which users can now import into Blackpurl
They are the Snap-on EPC format and a Generic CSV format which has two columns(with a header row) of part# and quantity
User will now have a drop down selector to pick which format they’d like to import - PartSmart / Snap-On EPC / SOM / Generic csv
For further information, please refer to our article - Importing a Picklist File into Blackpurl (PartSmart / SnapOn / Generic)
Deleting Assigned Appointments
We have made the action of deleting assigned appointments which is already linked to a service job or to delete a service job which has an appointment to it to be more user friendly
User is provided with a confirmation window warning them of the effect their delete action will have on the related appointment or service job
For further information, please refer to our article - Deleting Assigned Appointments
DP360 Integration Updates
Additional Blackpurl Unit Data fields are now syncing to DP360. These include full make / model / submodel, URL for Blackpurl Unit Record, Unit Notes field and also suggested price
Any changes made to the Unit Record fields in Blackpurl will now sync to DP360 as they occur
When Unit Deals are created in Blackpurl from a lead in DP360:
if the lead has different pricing than the pricing indicating on the Blackpurl Unit Record, then the pricing from the DP360 lead will be used on the Unit Deal
Internal Comments will be added to the Customer Order indicating who created the Unit Deal and which DP360 lead the Unit Deal was created from
Additional Internal Comments will be added whenever a unit from the DP360 lead cannot be matched with a unit in Blackpurl
For further information, please refer to our article - Dealership Performance 360CRM (DP360) Integration
SOM Integration Update
Whenever a part has a TAG assigned to it called “obsolete”, the SOM part inventory file submitted will include an obsolete indicator for the part
What’s improved?
- Resolved - issues with the “Contains” filter in grid search not looking at the Submodel field for possible matches
- Resolved - issue in the part count tool where it would incorrectly show a location for a part which was not actually assigned to that part
- Resolved - issue in grid search where the default totals were not showing as pre-selected and selections made were not being retained
- Resolved - issue which did not save changes made to transaction type settings
- Resolved - issue which caused changes to AR payment amounts on invoices to not be saved and properly reflected in the total AR payment amount
- Resolved - issue encountered when activating a Quote third-party job and the job type was incorrectly changed to customer pay