This article is about understanding Tax in Blackpurl for both QuickBooks Online and Xero
As you can appreciate taxation can be a minefield so it is important that you know how to account for the taxes paid and collected to the relevant government authority
United States of America and Canada
- Both QuickBooks Online and Xero do not allow third parties (like Blackpurl) to integrate directly to any of their Tax General Ledgers or Tax defaults
- As this is the case, at Activation, your Dealership would have been setup with new BP Tax Collected and BP Tax Paid General Ledgers in your Accounting package which would that then been subsequently mapped to in your Blackpurl
- When a Customer Order Invoice and / or a Vendor Invoice with tax, integrates from Blackpurl to Xero / QuickBooks Online, the tax will show in Xero / QuickBooks Online as a line item pointed to the relevant BP Tax Collected or BP Tax Paid General Ledgers
- When reporting on your taxes, instead of using Xero / QuickBooks Online to pull the relevant reports, you would use Blackpurl
Please review section A. Activity in this article - Other Tools > Tax Activity and Settings to see where you can pull the relevant tax report out of Blackpurl
- Then when accounting to the relevant government authority, you will need to allocate 'payment' to the BP Tax Collected / Tax Paid General Ledgers in your accounting package
Australia and New Zealand
- For the most part Australian and New Zealand Tax is quite simply as they have a basic tax rate that is charged across the board and both Xero and QuickBooks Online do allow third parties (ie Blackpurl) to map directly to any taxes that are setup in Xero / QuickBooks Online
- Once the Sales Taxes and Purchase Taxes are set up correctly and the relevant Tax Code Mapping is setup in System Settings > Accounting Integration in your Blackpurl (done at activations), it is very easy to account to the relevant government authority for taxes directly from Xero or QuickBooks Online
- The Tax Code Mapping means that Xero and QuickBooks Online have allows Blackpurl to map directly to the tax General Ledgers that Xero and QuickBooks Online have and all reportability for the relevant taxes is done by running the reports directly through Xero / QuickBooks Online
- If you are an Australian Dealership that adheres to Notional Input Tax Credit (NITC) then we would suggest that you make yourself familiar with the following articles
The setting up of the NITC option would have been discussed with your Dealership at the time of your Activation