This article will show Dealerships that they have the ability to indicate: 

  • When the unit is due to arrive - date / time

  • When the unit is due for departure - date / time  

  • if the unit has actually arrived

Accessing Unit Check In section

There are a few ways that the Dealership can access the Unit Check In section:

When user is creating a new Appointment through Scheduler

  • To access the Unit check-in section > click on the down arrow and it will allow the user to add additional information


1.  Date due in - if the user knows the date the unit is due to come in, the user can indicate it 


2.  Date promised - if the user knows the date the unit is required to be back to the owner by, 

the user can indicate it here

3.  Unit Arrive - if the unit has arrived already, then the user can put a check in this checkbox 

4.  Time due in - if the user knows the time the unit is due to come in, the user can indicate it


5.  Time Promised - if the user knows the time the unit is required to be back to the owner by, 

the user can indicate it here 

On the Customer Order > Service Job section

  • To access the Unit check-in section > click on the icon and it will allow the user to add additional information


1.  Date due in - if the user knows the date the unit is due to come in, the user can indicate it 


2.  Date promised - if the user knows the date the unit is required to be back to the owner by, 

the user can indicate it here

3.  Unit Arrive - if the unit has arrived already, then the user can put a check in this checkbox 

4.  Time due in - if the user knows the time the unit is due to come in, the user can indicate it 


5.  Time Promised - if the user knows the time the unit is required to be back to the owner by, 

the user can indicate it here 

Don't forget to SAVE

Where does the Unit Check in Details appear in Blackpurl

Users will be able to see if this information is available from an icon / indicator on the Customer Order > Service Job 

This icon / indicator means that there is no Unit Check In details available

 This icon / indicator means that there is Unit Check In details available