The article will cover off how to add more users in Blackpurl (the dealerships already have available Licenced Users) or if the Dealership needs to order another User Licence from Blackpurl

To Add a New User - Available User Licences 

Your dealership already has licenses available and all you need to do is add the new user's details 

1. From the Blackpurl Header click on User-added image > System settings

User-added image

  2.  From the System Settings Dashboard  > click on


3.  The Users section is split up into two tabs:

  • Licenced Users
  • Time Clocking Staff


User-added image


Tab 1 - Licenced Users

In this section you can see the list of Licenced Users already setup in your system

This is where you can add any additional Licenced Users but the adding of an additional Licenced Users, would depend on how many Licenced Users you have contracted Blackpurl for

For example - if your agreement with Blackpurl is for 5 Licenced Users, the system will only allow you to add up to 5 Licenced Users

If you have a sufficient licence count to add an additional Licenced User simply complete the First Name / Last Name / Email Address fields and then indicate if the new user will be a technician > then click on User-added image

Your new user will now list in the bottom section of the screen under Licenced Users list

The new User will be sent an email that they will need to action to finalise the setup 

Once you have setup a new Licenced User, it is a good time to setup their permissions and MFA 
These are the articles that will assist:

Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for Blackpurl User Logins
What are User Permissions / How to Setup User Permissions

Amending an Existing User 

These Licenced Users can be amended by click on  on the relevant User line item
Make sure you tab off the line after you made your amendments as this will then save the changes

Tab 2 - Time Clocking Staff

This is a list of staff who are setup for Payroll Clocking and Job Clocking and will allow you to add additional Time Clocking Staff.  Please review our article - Payroll Clocking and Job Clocking Setup for further information etc

This is also the list of staff who are setup as Salespersons for use in a Customer Order Unit Deal - Please review our article -
Setup Customer Order Unit Deal - Salesperson (for commission)

Adding a New Licensed User / Adding a New Time Clocking Staff (Technician)

If you have used all your Blackpurl Licenses and/or you are after a new Time Clocking Staff, then you will need to contact Blackpurl Sales so that they can provide you with a quote for additional licenses 

To do this, please review this article  - System Settings > Support, Upgrades and Add-Ons