This article will explain that there is now a Summary section on a Parts & Accessories where the user can now change Transaction Types / change Applicable taxes / Commit parts and see totals

Dealerships can just accept the default settings but these options are available should they need to change anything 

Summary section

The Parts & Accessories has a Summary section that can be access by simply clicking on 

Once the Summary section is opened, it will look similar to this:

Details of Summary items are as follows:

A.  Transaction Type 

Why would we want a different Transaction Type - it will allow you to select how you want to categorize the Parts & Accessories transaction in your accounting package and also allow ease of reporting on specific Transaction Types

The Transaction Type will automatically load as the default setting but users have the ability to change the Transaction Type on the Parts & Accessories if they so require

The default is setup under System Settings > Accounting Integration > Transaction Type - Part Sales (see below as an example) but you will notice below that there is also other Part Sale Transaction Types available

On the Customer Order > Parts & Accessories section, if you want to change the Transaction Type from the default to another Transaction Type > just click on your selection - this will change the Transaction Type 

Relevant articles that will assist:

  • With the ability to now change the Transaction Type - users will now have the option of reporting using the different transaction types as parameters.  Please review our article - Reporting - Active Part Sales 

B.  Override how taxes are calculated? 

This will allow the Dealership to be able to assign a different tax to the Parts & Accessories section

To use this option, move the toggle to enable the override and then you will be required to select the Applicable tax 

Once the new Applicable tax is selected, the user will have the option of assigning which of the Parts & Accessories line items need to use the new Applicable tax 

Simply click on the

 then select which line item types will be assigned the new Applicable tax

The Customer Order will then recalculate the tax for those applicable line items on the Parts & Accessories section using the options you have selected

C.  Inventory & Special Order Handling  

Dealership will have more control over committing stock and when special order items are ordered with the following selections:

  • Commit and Order - the system will automatically commit any stock on hand parts to the CO and order any special orders

No further action required as the system will commit stock and order special order items

  • Commit Only - the dealership may want to commit any stock on hand parts to this CO but wait until later to generate any special orders

If this option is selected, the user will need to go and change this selection to Commit and Order when they are ready for the system to generate any special orders

  • Uncommitted - the dealership doesn't want to commit any stock on hand parts or generate any special orders until later

If this option is selected, the user will need to go and change this selection to Commit and Order when they are ready to commit stock on hand parts and generate any special orders.

D.  P & A Totals 

The P & A Totals section will give you the actual summary of the Parts & Accessories section to give the user an easier way of seeing number of items / taxes etc