Reporting - Common

Reporting - Recent Customer Invoices
This report will list any recent Customer Invoices From the Blackpurl Header > Reporting > Reports > Recent Customer Invoices  The ...
Fri, 14 Jan, 2022 at 3:13 AM
Reporting - Units on Order
This article will show you how to run a report that will show Units on Order To run the Report  From the Blackpurl Header > Reporting > Re...
Mon, 18 Jul, 2022 at 2:57 PM
Reporting - My Vendor Orders
This report will list all open Vendor Orders that your login has in your Blackpurl From the Blackpurl Header > Reporting > Report - My Vendor Orde...
Fri, 14 Jan, 2022 at 3:13 AM
Reporting - All Vendor Orders
This Report will show you All Vendor Orders in your Blackpurl It is important that the Vendor Orders are reviewed on a regular basis This report wil...
Fri, 28 Jun, 2024 at 11:50 AM
Reporting - Recent Vendor Invoices
This article is how to run the Recent Vendor Invoices report This report will allow you to keep track of the Vendor Invoices (VI) that have not been fin...
Thu, 22 Feb, 2024 at 2:38 PM
Reporting - Active Receivings
This report will show you a list of Vendor Receivings (VR) that have not been finalized By changing the parameters you can also find any VR that have co...
Wed, 12 Jul, 2023 at 12:37 PM
Reporting - Unreceived VO Items
This article will show you how to run the Unreceived VO items report  The benefits of using this report is that it will allow the Dealership an easier w...
Thu, 22 Feb, 2024 at 2:26 PM
Reporting - Recent Parts
This report will provide you with a list of Recent Parts used in your Blackpurl From the Blackpurl Header > Reporting > Report - Recent Parts ...
Fri, 14 Jan, 2022 at 3:14 AM
Reporting - Stock Units
This article will take you through the Stock Units Report This report can also be used when you are balancing out your Blackpurl Unit Totals to your Acc...
Thu, 22 Feb, 2024 at 2:13 PM
Reporting - Kits
This report will list all active Kits that are available to use in your Blackpurl From the Blackpurl Header > Reporting > Report - Kits ...
Fri, 14 Jan, 2022 at 3:16 AM