This article is regarding Blackpurl's ability to produce a Vendor Turn14 export file that can be imported intoTurn14 (Tucker Rocky) Parts Order Interface

How to do a Vendor Order Export from Blackpurl

As there is no setup requirements, all you need to do now is to process a Vendor Order for the relevant Vendor 

When the Vendor Order is ready to go 

  • Export the VO file by clicking on which will load the Export vendor order window

    From the Export vendor order window under the Select a Blackpurl format section clickand it will list the formats available

    Then you just select Turn 14(TRDOS)

The first time you do this, it will ask - Would you like to assign this format to the vendor? and you can select:

  • Yes - next time you do a VO for the same Vendor, this format will automatically set as the default 

  • No - it will not save that next time you do a VO for the same Vendor, you will need to select the format manually
  • Once you have selected the correct format and click

  • The user will be required to select the freight carrier and then click

  • The export file will then generate in the correct format and save onto your computer with the following naming convention - VOnumber.txt 


    You will then use this export file to import it into the relevant Turn14 Parts Order Interface