What's new? 

Inter-Store Part Lookup 

This feature is for our dealerships that have 2 or more stores with Blackpurl who want to know what available  inventory is at the other stores 

There is setup to be completed and we cover this in our article - Inter-Store Part Lookup

Google MapsVendor Records and Customer Records 

We have made changes to the Google Maps on Vendor Records and Customer Records 

Should you wish to see the relevant Google Maps, click on from the relevant Vendor Record or Customer Record and then the Google Map will generate

Example on a Customer Record:

New Global Search

We have introduced and released the new Global Search with the following features:

  • Hotkey access

  • Faster results

  • New look and feel

  • More results

  • All results

  • Recent searches

For further information, please review our article - Blackpurl Global Search

Ability to reopen Vendor Orders (VO)

We have now provided the Dealership with the ability to reopen Vendor Order (VO), after they have been submitted 

The new action to reopen Vendor Orders (VO) will only be available if the status of the VO is On Order and there are no Vendor Receivings (VR) attached to the VO 

If the status is no longer On Order then the new option of will not even pop up as an option on the screen

For further information, please review our article - How to Reopen a Vendor Order (VO)

Default In Progress Job Status 

Dealerships will now be able to select which job status they want as the default status when a Technician Job Clocks into a Service Job  

If the In Progress status currently exists then it will be selected as default BUT Dealership can change this default by updating the relevant System Setting 

For further information, please review our article - Service Job Statuses 

What's Improved? 

Resolved - an issue where automatic shop supplies were not being removed when all line items were removed from a job

Resolved - an issue with custom part reports where the listing would not navigate past page 3

Resolved - an accounting sync failure issue caused by a trade-in only deal having an ACV that was different from the Agreed Value for the trade.  In this scenario the ACV will always be the pre-tax agreed value

Resolved - an issue with order units where the total cost did not accurately add up all of the options

Resolved - an issue which gave an exception error when selecting which items on a service job are to obey the applicable tax for the job

Changed - mapped forms at the request of specific dealerships.  The dealerships have been advised directly

Changed - we have restricted VR to only allow 250 Line Items to be added in one VR. Users are given a notification message for such cases

Changed - Based on feedback from our Beta customers for CO STA, we have improved it where the users initial focus was not placed correctly in certain scenarios for different types of customer order

Changed - On validation modal, we have added one more validation to check that there is no payment added on invoice after invoice was closed and changed the wordings of accounting validation while reopening invoice

Resolved - Handled duplicate ID issue while syncing chart of accounts with Xero

Resolved - an issue related to movement of appointment when clicked to open in edit mode for tablets

Changed - Shown a validation message ‘Total charge on account payment can not be greater than invoice total’ to stop negative payment amount so that sync issue does not occur while syncing invoice payment on Xero

Resolved - a part counting issue when users try to upload count with "automatically merge" option selected and those parts are already present either in the counted or uncounted tab

Resolved - Added a logic to delete VOLIs, those remain undeleted after changing customer order status from Open to Quote.

Changed - we now show Quote Service job also in View Unit History screen

Resolved - WPM - fixed the syncing script so that it can handle a large number of the products when creating bulk products from the "Create product" button

Resolved an issue where unit data fields were not shown as columns in the Open Service Jobs report

Resolved - VO - Corrected status on vendor order to show an accurate VR status for the line item

Resolved - Imposed a restriction on the invoice date in unit receiving and vendor invoice to prevent the user from selecting a date which is on or before the accounting period closed date as per QB/Xero

Changed - part status on section header for various scenarios on part sale and Service job

Changed - QB/Xero - We have given the user a toast error message that states "Cannot deactivate this account as it has a balance owing in accounting" while deactivating a customer or a vendor who are having non zero balance and accounting integration is enabled

Resolved - an issue encountered when creating a deal from a lead in DP360

Resolved - an issue in the new global search for select users where their user permission restrictions were not properly handled (reported by our beta tester)

Resolved - an issue which incorrectly allowed the user to modify the taxable setting on an approved deal

Resolved - Fixed an apex heap size error while searching a string in new global search and also fixed results fluctuation issue when you continue to type more text into the search field (reported by our beta tester)

Resolved - an issue which prevented the user from reopening an invoice for a third-party service job

Resolved - an issue which caused multi-page quotes to only print the first page

Resolved - an issue that prevented a user from locking the retail price on a part when the vendor was controlling retail pricing

Resolved - an issue which caused a part to indicate a qty in stock when the FIFO listing shows that it should be zero

Resolved - an issue which caused returns to appear twice in the results of the new global search tool

Resolved - an issue that prevented unit images from appearing on the unit record when using the Safari browser

Implemented - development test cases for Job scheduler and Payroll clocking

Released - new mapped forms for specific dealerships.  The dealerships have been advised directly

Resolved - an issue where the user was unable to reopen the deal invoice when BP was integrated with Xero

Resolved - an issue where users encountered errors while finalizing an internal service job. This occurred specifically when an organization had unit prices and costs exceeding 49,000 with a unit type of stock, leading to Salesforce's governor limit being exceeded and triggering the error message