This article will go through how Blackpurl integrates with Dealership Performance 360CRM (DP360)


  • Dealership will need to advise DP360 that they will be integrating to Blackpurl as DP360 needs to change the configurations in DP360 to enable the integration

  • Blackpurl integration with DP360 will need to be setup and be fully operational with syncing of all available units (in stock units / on order units and if requested consignment units)

Keep in mind that NO Customer records are synced 

To have the integration setup, please contact Blackpurl Support with your request together with your DP360 Dealership ID number

Please also indicate if you want all available units synced (including consignment units) to DP360

Once setup is complete, Blackpurl Support will send you a confirmation email that setup has been completed

How to use DP360 integration with Blackpurl

  • All leads etc should be entered / chased / followed up in DP360

  • Once integration has been completed in Blackpurl, all requested available units will be synced to DP360

  • When the Dealership orders / receives additional units and they have the status of Available in Blackpurl, these will also integrate to DP360 in real time

  • During the course of business if any changes are made to the Unit Records in Blackpurl, DP360 will also be updated in real time.  This includes any changes made to Make / Model / Sub Model, the Unit Notes field and Suggested Price etc

  • When a Unit has been invoiced in Blackpurl on a Customer Order > Unit Deal - that Unit will then show in DP360 as inactive

  • When a DP360 lead becomes a sale, the salesperson will need to create the relevant Customer Order > Unit Deal in Blackpurl by integrating the information from DP360 over to Blackpurl

This is done by completing the following steps:

  1. From the Blackpurl Header > click on SELL and then Create deal from CRM lead

2.  Then click into the  Select a CRM lead field, then type in the relevant lead name

Blackpurl will then search DP360 for any open leads that matches that name typed and then once the user has selected the lead it will be added into a Customer Order > Unit Deal in Blackpurl

3.  In our example below we want to do a Customer Order for a Customer called - Patty McCall

  • We typed in Patty McCall and searched for / selected the relevant lead in the CRM Lead field for Patty McCall 

  • Then match the CRM lead name to a Customer in Blackpurl

Blackpurl will indicate if there are any matches to existing Customer in the system called Patty McCall (for you to select) OR you can create a new Customer by clicking on Create Using CRM Contact 

Please note - by default Blackpurl will only list leads created in the last 120 days

4.  At the same time Blackpurl will also review the unit/s (and trade in unit if applicable) attached to the 

DP360 lead to see if the unit/s exists as an available stocked / on order (and for trade in unit, if it is 

already a Customer Owned Unit) in Blackpurl 

It will uses the VIN details provided on the DP360 lead as a point of reference:

If there are Unit/s in Blackpurl that matches the DP360 lead:

  • Blackpurl will match the VIN to any of the available stocked or on order units in Blackpurl and then the system will automatically generate a Unit Deal and attach the matched unit/s (and if applicable any matched trade in units)

  • It will also indicate in the Internal Comments section who created the Unit Deal and which DP360 lead it is from

  • If the pricing from DP360 is different to the Unit Record pricing, the Unit Deal will have the pricing as per the DP360 lead

If there is NO Unit/s in Blackpurl that matches the DP360 lead:

  • if Blackpurl is unable to match the VIN to a Unit Record in Blackpurl or the unit/s on the DP360 lead does not have a VIN, Blackpurl will create a Unit Deal with a temporary unit only using the unit basic details (Make / Model etc) and pricing as per the DP360 lead

  • In the Internal Comments section, it will indicate 'No matching unit found for VIN' and it will also list all the details for that unmatched unit from the DP360 lead

Details regarding unmatched Trade In units will also list in the Internal Comments section (if applicable)

  • It will also indicate in the Internal Comments section who created the Unit Deal and which DP360 lead it is from