This article will provide the option of having a Trade In Tax Limit so that the sales tax credit for trade-ins will not exceed the sales tax for the unit/s being purchased by the customer

For example:

  • Mr. Smith is buying a new unit and the Sales Tax payable on that new unit is $250

  • Mr. Smith is trading in a unit and the Sales Tax credit on that unit is $275

  • The Dealership cannot have the Sales Tax credit ($275) exceed the Sale Tax payable ($250) and in this example, it will exceed it by $25

The option of setting up a Trade In Tax Limit will stop the above scenario from occuring 

How to setup a Trade In Tax Limit

  1. From the Blackpurl Header > click on User-added image > System settings  

  1. From the System Setting Dashboard click on User-added image

  1. From the Settings & Controls options > Tax Settings - Trade tax credit can not exceed unit tax
When disabled - as per below - there will be no limit on the amount of sales tax calculated for trade-in

 User-added image

To enable, move the toggle and there will now be a limit on the amount of sales tax calculated for trade-in

The sale tax credit for trade-ins will now not exceed the sales tax for the new units being sold

User-added image

Please note:  If your Dealership has Tax included Pricing (our Dealerships in Australia and New Zealand) then this feature will not be available to you