This article is a step by step guide on how to create of amend Make / Model / Sub Model

Make / Model / Sub Model 

  1. From the Blackpurl Header > click User-added image > System Settings >     User-added image


User-added image

  1. Any Makes already created will list here:   


  1. To review the Models listing under a certain Make  – click on next to the relevant Make 


In our example below, we click on the Make Ford and the Models will list - in this example - Model Ranger list

4.  Using the same concept above - to review the Sub Models listing under a certain Model - click on  next

to the relevant Model         

Add New 

  • To add a new Make – click on   and complete the Add a new make screen

  • To add a new Model – click on and complete the Add a new model screen

  • To add a new Sub Model - click on and complete the Add a new sub-model screen

Description Field

  • The Description (optional) field on both the Model and Sub Model sections, will allow the User to type in details about the unit

If the User enters text in this field on either the Model or Sub Model, when creating a Unit (including a Temp Unit), the Notes field on the Unit Record will populate with the text

If you have text in both the Model and Sub Model Description (optional) field than the Sub Model text will be used

Edit or Delete 

  • If you wish to EDIT or DELETE > use the icons

Please note that Users will not be allowed to delete any Make / Model / Sub Model if it is currently being used in Blackpurl 

Alternative Way to Add new Makes and Models 

Blackpurl will also allow you to add new Makes and Models when adding Customer Owned Units

If the Make or Model you want does not list when searching, just type in the new Make/Model in the search field then tab to the next field and the system will add it to the listing

For example, we want to add a Mazda 3 as a Stocked Unit > on the Stock Unit Window you can see that there is no Make: Mazda:

User-added image

But if we type Mazda in the Make field and then tab to the next field, Model and type in 3 and click on SAVE, the system will save the new Make: Mazda and Model: 3

Next time you go to list the Make: Mazda and Model: 3 will list as well


If you do not have the ability to do this, then speak to your Manager about the User Permission - Create Make & Model Adhoc - Current User Permissions