Reporting on Customer Order Unit Deals 

There are two reports specifically for Customer Order Unit Deals:

  • Active Unit Deals 

  • Deal Units 

 To access the reports - from the Blackpurl Header > click on Reporting > Reports > Common Search 

User-added image

Reporting - Active Unit Deals

The default parameters for this report is to list:

  • ALL Active Unit Deals 

  • For ALL status ie Quotation / In Progress / Approved / Invoiced

Remember you can change the parameters by clicking on User-added image and making your changes

For example you may only want to see ALL Quotations for the month of December 2018

Click on User-added image > change the status to Quotation > change the date range to December 2018 > User-added image

User-added image

The default columns include:

  • Type
  • Order Number 
  • Customer 
  • Deal Type
  • Unit information (if the Customer Order is for multiple units, it will just say "Multiple Units)
  • Total
  • Status
  • Modified 

Keep in mind that if you want to deselect and / or add additional column, simply click on and make your changes - don't forget to click on for the report result to update

For our Dealerships with Accounting Integration who do account reconciliations, they may want to add in the columns - Option Clearing / Stocked Traded  

Reporting - Deal Units

The default parameters for this report is to list:

  • all DEAL UNITS > SOLD > in the LAST 30 days.

The default columns for this report:

Default ColumnsWhat the Column will show 
This will just indicate that it is a unit
It will show the usual Unit icon

Order Number 
This will list the Customer Order and the user will be able to click on the Customer Order for it to open in another tab

Stock Number 
The stock number as indicated on the Unit Record
The status of the unit - Available / Reserved / Sold

Date Sold
If an invoice has been issued, the date of this invoice

Invoice Number 
The actual invoice number if the Unit Deal has been invoiced.  If the Unit Deal has not been invoiced and is still active, this field will be blank

Unit Information
This will be a formatted name of the Make / Model / SubModel and Year 

Customer Name on the Customer Order 

Deal Type 
It will indicate if the Unit Deal is  Cash Deal or Financed
This will list the salesperson indicated on the Deal

Total Price 
The Total Price (pre tax) value of the unit

Remember you can change the parameters by clicking on User-added image and making your changes.

For example you may only want to see any Sold Unit Deals for Last 30 Days that you did - Owned by Me

  • Click on User-added image and change the Owner to Owned by me then click User-added image

User-added image


  • You may want to report on Unit Deals with Temporary Units attached then you would ensure that you select QUOTATION and change the parameters similar to screen shot below


  • You may want to see the list of consignment units that have been sold within a certain period so the parameters would need to be like this:

Likewise you can add or subtract columns by clicking on and check or uncheck the column selections

To see totals for costings etc, click on > and then select what totals you want to see in the report 

TIP: Blackpurl allows you to save a report setup for next time by clicking on User-added image

For further information on reporting, please review our articles